Are You Looking?
Peter turned around and saw the disciple Jesus loved following them. [That
disciple] was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and asked,
"Lord, who is the one that’s going to betray You?” When Peter saw him, he said
to Jesus, "Lord—what about him?”—John
The first thing you do after God speaks to you is critical. Jesus was telling
Peter what type of ministry he would have and what type of death he would suffer
(vv. 18–19).
It was a sacred moment in Peter's life, as his Lord pulled back the curtain to
his future. His was not to be an easy life but a life ordained and blessed by
his Lord and Master.
Rather than responding to what Jesus told him, Peter looked around at his
fellow disciples. His glance fell upon John, the disciple whom Jesus loved. "But
Lord, what about this man?” Peter asked. Peter had just been given the
somber news of his future death. How natural to compare his assignment with that
of the others! This is the great temptation of God's servants: to compare our
situation with that of others. Did God give my friend a larger house? Did God
heal my friend's loved one and not mine? Did God allow my friend to receive
appreciation and praise for his work while I remain anonymous? Did God allow
another Christian to remain close to her family while I am far removed from
Jesus assigned Peter and John to walk two different paths, but both Peter and
John have enriched our lives. Jesus knew how dangerous it is when a servant
takes his eyes off the master to focus on a fellow servant. Where is your focus?
Have you become more concerned with how God is treating someone else than you
are with how He is relating to you? —Experiencing God Day by Day