Career, otherwise known as profession, livelihood or occupation is a lifelong engagement aimed at offering both living wages on one hand and satisfactory, purposeful living on the other, just as our career can shape our life styles and values in life, it is equally an avenue of exhibiting and putting to profitable use our God given talents or gifts. Career as a dynamic mini-world of its own, demands resourcefulness on the part of a professional who aims at success and fulfillment. Resourcefulness is being inventive, enterprising, ingenious, effective, clever and showing initiative.
Resourcefulness in career is what daily contributes to new knowledge and discoveries we see today. Our formal training towards a line of profession or career is simply to build us as independent potential explorers into the mines of untapped resources available within our career. Our chosen career are expected to package us for irresistible patronage by the world of clientele we are groomed to serve by our skills. However, how we package ourselves and the labels we put on such a package will determine our success or failure in life.
From experiences an real life engagements, what we obtain during professional training in tertiary institutions do not always provide enough skills and tools for career exploits. Thus many professionals today simply use their degree certificates or diplomas to enhance the laying of a solid foundation for their real-life long dream career. In today's world of globalization phenomena, what is needed to create a niche for oneself is not certificate possesses but the skills and tools at one's disposal.
In today's world, great organization are more interested in professionals with (multiple). Competencies, while most great workplaces of international dimensional are more interested in getting professionals to accomplish PROJECTS instead of filling POSITIONS. Thus they look for skilled and resourceful professionals with relevant and up-to-date tools to achieve their timely.
What advances countries and multinational corporations employ today is what we call Results-Oriented Management (ROM) strategy to make sure goals are achieved and desired outcomes are obtained in response to any investment they make, including recruitment of human resources.
At the center of ROM strategy is PROJECTION associated with monitoring or auditing performance to verify outcomes and validate measures (I Cor 15:8-10, Prov 21:5; 12: 27; 22:29, Gen 40:14,15, 41:9-14.) Career coach, Dr. Randall Hasen in this book, 'Career Model for career development success' captures the meaning of CAREER.