on These Things
brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is
pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral
excellence and if there is any praise—dwell on these things.—Philippians
What you think about in your unguarded moments reflects what your mind dwells
upon. What you speak about when your guard is down is a good gauge of what is in
your heart (Matt.
12:34). Your mind needs exercise just as your physical body does. To keep
your body healthy, you must be careful what you put into it, and you must
exercise regularly. To keep your thoughts pure, you must guard what goes into
your mind. To exercise your mind, you must contemplate things that are noble and
truths that stretch your mind.
Some Christians allow the world to fill their minds with ungodly thinking.
Some people seem drawn to concentrate on the negative, choosing to be
pessimistic about everything. Some remain satisfied with thinking of the
mundane. Others fail to intentionally place Scripture in their thoughts,
choosing instead to adopt human reasoning. Others, however, choose to expose
their minds to the truths of God—to that which is true, noble, just, pure,
lovely, and good.
The things you allow your mind to dwell on will be revealed by the way you
live. If you focus on negative things, you will inevitably be a negative person.
If you allow unholy thoughts to fill your mind, ungodliness will become common
in your life. If you fill your mind with thoughts of Christ, you will become
What you fill your mind with is a matter of choice. Choose to concentrate on
the magnificent truths of God, and they will create in you a noble character
that brings glory to God. —Experiencing God Day by Day