Eternal Perspective
will make you into a great nation,
will bless you,
will make your name great,
you will be a blessing.—Genesis 12:2
Big assignments require big characters. God will give you a responsibility in
proportion to the size of your character. In Bible times, a person's name
represented his character; to know someone's name was to know what the person
was like. That's why God changed the name of some when He transformed their
character. For example, the Lord wanted to bless all the nations of the earth
through Abram, yet Abram's character was too weak for such a great task. God
said He would make Abram's name great so that He could make him a blessing to
future generations. Then over the next twenty-five years, God developed
Abraham's character to match the name He had given him.
God sees your life from His eternal perspective. He will take whatever time
is necessary to grow your character to match His assignment for you. If you have
not received a divine commission lately, it may be that your character needs
maturing. Are you impatient to begin your work before God has refined your
character? A small character will fail in a large responsibility every time.
Don't be too hasty to get to the work. Character-building can be long and
painful. It took twenty-five years before God entrusted Abraham with his first
son and set in motion the establishment of the nation of Israel. Yet God was
true to His word, and thousands of years later people continue to be blessed by
the account of Abraham's life and by his descendant, Jesus.
How is God building your character? Do you sense He has a task for you that
will require a far greater man or woman than you presently are? Will you yield
to God as He works in your life to prepare you for your next
assignment? —Experiencing God Day by Day