happy is the man
does not follow the advice of the wicked,
take the path of sinners,
join a group of mockers!
his delight is in the Lord’s
he meditates on it day and night.
is like a tree planted beside streams of water
bears its fruit in season
whose leaf does not wither.
he does prospers.—Psalm 1:1–3
It is possible to spend your whole life knowing about the truths of God and
never experiencing any of them. Simply knowing about the truths of God
does not mean that they have become a part of your life. Here is the important
question: What are you doing with the word of God? Some people allow themselves
to come under the influence of ungodly thinking to the point that God's Word
makes no difference to them. If you seek your counsel from ungodly persons, you
will find yourself moving away from the direction God's Word commands. If you
intentionally seek out sinners as your companions, they will lead you down paths
that take you far from God. If you choose to join those who are scornful, you
will eventually become cynical.
The righteous man does not find encouragement in the opinions of others but
in God's Word. He is not content with a surface knowledge of Scripture but
meditates on it day and night until he is satisfied that what he reads reflects
his own experience. He becomes like a fruit tree standing firmly on the bank of
the river. The tree is well nourished and produces delicious fruit and bountiful
leaves. People come from miles around to sit in its shade and eat its fruit.
If you allow God to implement His Word in your life, others will draw
encouragement from you. The more you grow in God's righteousness, the stronger
you will become. Some people would look in vain to find anyone they were
encouraging, but not so the righteous person. A constant stream of people will
seek you out because they know that your life will be a
blessing. —Experiencing God Day by Day