Never Too Busy
But a Samaritan on his journey came up to him, and when he saw [the man], he had compassion.—Luke 10:33
If anyone could understand the temptation
to let busyness distract Him from the Father's activity, Jesus certainly
could! He told a parable that clearly illustrated this danger: A
certain Jewish man was on his way to Jericho when he was brutally
attacked by thieves and left to die by the road. First a Levite, then a
priest, passed by. These were religious leaders; surely they would show
compassion to a wounded person! But they had places to go and
appointments to keep, so they passed him by. Surely someone else would
come along who had more time to help the wounded man! Then a Samaritan,
despised by the Jews, came along. Of all people, this man had reason to
look the other way, since the wounded man was his enemy. But wherever he
was going could wait, for someone needed his help.
It's easy to become so busy that you are oblivious to those in need.
Your schedule can become so full of accomplishing good things that you
are of no help to the people around you. God is at work in the lives of
your friends, your neighbors, your family members. He may ask you to
interrupt your day long enough to join Him as He ministers to them.
Nothing on your agenda, no matter how pressing, is reason enough to
ignore the voice of God when He tells you to stop and help. If you have
become too busy to minister to those around you, ask God to reestablish
your priorities so that you do not miss opportunities to serve Him.
—Experiencing God Day by Day