Life Challenges and Ad-Hoc
Dear Friend have you
ever think of a better place to be after we have completed our mission
on earth. Well, I will like to inform you that no matter your
achievments in this world surely an end will come to every thing you
possessed. Life is full of challenges and Ad-Hoc; troubles , confusion,
comotions and the like. Sometimes Christians are panic of some unsual
circumstances that happens around them. Yes, Jesus Christ has already
declared in his words that "In the World ye shall face tribulation but
be of good cheer I have overcome the world. My words for you today dear
friend is that we should always be looking unto Jesus Christ who is the
author and the finisher of our faith. More so, we should be sober,
watchful, vigilant lest the coming of the son of man(Jesus Christ) catch
us unawares. He may come like a thief in the night, in the morning or
afternoon no one knows, not even the Angel in heaven, Only the Heavenly
Father knows the exact time. God bless you for taking time to read
through. Amen